Griffith Park (feat. Anneleen Roesems)

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Genre: EDM
Lenght: 9:37
Tracks: 2
Release: 30 July 2021

Dedicated to Otis, who’s won the first fight of his life. I’m proud of you.

Dedicated to Jeanke, who’s lost the last one. I’m proud of you.

Dedicated to everyone who’s having a hard time. I’m proud of you.

On Velvet Skies you can find Griffith Park in the middle of the album. The instrumental bass-heavy track is the main focal point of the second chapter of the album. I thought that would be all there is to say about this track.

Early May 2021 I received the news that Jeanke, a person who’s quite dear to me, would not have a lot of time left among us. This made me want to say goodbye to him in person, something that wasn’t allowed because of the regulations regarding Covid-19. I knew I wanted to capture these conflicted feelings in a song, and I kept gravitating towards Griffith Park for its basic structure. In fact, the lyrics just appeared out of thin air.

Thanks to Anneleen Roesems, your vocals captured the essence of a song like only you could.

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